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The page you requested was not found on this server. You might have entered an incorrect URL. Here are some of the more popular Alchemy Mindworks web pages:
Order On Line: You can register Alchemy Mindworks software and order other products on line through our e-commerce page. It's fast, it's reliable and it's accessible from anywhere on earth. We accept Visa, Mastercard and PayPal.
Home Page: The main Alchemy Mindworks web page will allow you access all the specific pages at our site.
Software: The software index includes links to all the current Alchemy Mindworks applications. You can access the pages for specific Alchemy Mindworks software below:
- Graphic Workshop Professional
- GIF Construction Set Professional
- Presentation Wizard
- Screen Saver Construction Set
- e-Paint
- The Ultimate Screen Clock
- Pagan Daybook
- Calendar Wizard
- Animation Workshop
- PNG MNG Construction Set
- Animation Plug-ins
- Font Wrangler
Fiction: Steven William Rimmer's current fiction is available here, with information about ordering his books.
Music: Experience CDs by ancientmusick.com, the musicians of Alchemy Mindworks — early music with an attitude.
Articles: A selection of popular articles about art, music and stuff that defies easy description.
Lost Registration Keys: Visit the lost registration key finder to request a replacement key.
Send us E-mail: This mail form will get your message to us promptly.
Support: If you're having trouble with your software, we're here to help.
There are many other pages at this site — please visit our home page to access them.
All the information at our web page is as accurate as we can make it. Alchemy Mindworks accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of these pages, however it occurs. If you can figure out a way for any of this to cause you loss, damage or expense, you have a sneakier mind than any of us. This page and all dependent pages are copyright © 1994 — 2025 Alchemy Mindworks. No portion of these pages may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the copyright holders.