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Registration Key Support

No problem is insurmountable... trust us

If you've encountered a problem with your Alchemy Mindworks software registration key, we're here to help.

This page will send your registration key support request directly to a staff member who can resolve it and get you a resolution to the issue that brought you here as quickly as possible. To assist us in doing so, we ask that you read this page carefully before clicking on Submit, and that you describe the problem you have encountered in detail.

Please note:

  • upgradeIMPORTANT: If you have version 4 or 5 software and you're running Windows 10, scroll no further. Alchemy Mindworks' legacy version 4 and 5 software does not run under Windows 10. If there's a red button to your right, you can still upgrade to the corresponding version 16 application for half the new single-user license price. Click on the foregoing link or the button. Note that the upgrade page will say that upgrades are only available for users of version 15 and 16 software. You can ignore this — having arrived from this page, the upgrade page will be expecting you.

  • If you're attempting to enter a registration key from an earlier version of an Alchemy Mindworks application into a registration key window — as evinced by the Next button refusing to enable itself — you're at the wrong page. You need to register the corresponding version 16 application. Legacy registration codes are of the form 12345-67-89012-34. Current registration keys are of the form AB79C-NN36H-KL9TG-WL8R7.

  • This page can't be used to recover a lost registration key or its password. Please see our lost code page.

  • If you require support for Alchemy Mindworks software — for example, if it won't install or run correctly — please visit our support page. The support page will connect you with Alchemy Mindworks staff members familiar with the mysterious inner workings of our software.

  • If you've encountered a notification to the effect that your registration key is already in use, be sure to tell us this in the message field below. This one's easily fixed, as long as we know what we're fixing.

This support session is for version patch , licensed to using the registration key . The foregoing information will be sent to Alchemy Mindworks along with the contents of the following form.

All the fields in this form are required — your message will not be delivered if any of them are blank or unselected.

E-mail address:
  Please be certain to double-check your e-mail address. If it's incorrect, we won't be able to reply to your message and you'll think we're inconsiderate swine. You'll probably tell all your friends bad things about us, we'll have to send our leather-winged demon of the night to eat your pancreas... all in all, an ugly outcome for a minor typo.
  Select Yes to indicate that you have read and agreed to the support guidelines at this page, and any other documents referenced herein. The lawyers made us say this... honest.
  Here's where you can actually enter the text of your message. In doing so, we ask that you keep in mind that while there certainly are people who work at Alchemy Mindworks and claim to be clairvoyant — not that we wholly believe them in this respect — it's a bad idea to assume that one of them will respond to your e-mail.

IMPORTANT: Please explain what you're inquiring about in detail. If you encountered an error message, quote its entire text. We ask that you not use a screen capture as a substitute for describing your problem.

We would also like to take this opportunity to observe that while software issues can be frustrating at times, it's a mistake to take them personally. Addressing our support people in a rude or abusive manner isn't likely to get your question answered.

Our support staff will be profoundly grateful if you refrain from communicating with us in all-caps text.

This field can hold up to 6000 characters.

LEGAL DOGMA: All information submitted through this form will be treated in confidence. Alchemy Mindworks accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or expense caused by your use of this page, however it occurs. By clicking on the submit button, below, you indicate that you accept these terms and that you indemnify and hold blameless Alchemy Mindworks and all its stockholders and suppliers from any monetary costs including attorney's fees and court costs arising out of your use of this page and any information provided by it. You further assert that you are the individual or the legitimate representative of the organization indicated above, and that you have a legitimate right to request the information to be provided by this page. Alchemy Mindworks may, at its discretion, seek civil and/or criminal penalties for parties misusing this page or information provided by it. The availability of this page does not constitute an assurance or contract on the part of Alchemy Mindworks to provide the information described herein. Any comments or information that you provide to Alchemy Mindworks, for example feedback or ideas, suggestions, concepts, or other information (collectively, the "Submissions"), shall be deemed, and shall remain, the property of Alchemy Mindworks. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of Alchemy Mindworks, and Alchemy Mindworks shall not be liable for any use or disclosure (including publication in any medium) of any Submissions. Without limitation of the foregoing, Alchemy Mindworks shall exclusively own all now known or hereafter existing rights to the Submissions of every kind and nature and shall be entitled to unrestricted use of the Submissions. for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the Submissions. By completing this form and/or clicking on the Submit button, you are agreeing to be bound by the Alchemy Mindworks Privacy Statement and the Alchemy Mindworks Terms and Conditions document, which are deemed to be included herein by reference. The lawyers made us say that.

Fine Print

Our e-mail is usually answered within one hour during business hours, and within one business day at other times. We've been known to let this lofty ideal slip now and again when we get really swamped, but we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

In contacting us for assistance with technical matters, we ask that you state your questions as clearly and simply as possible, using no all-caps text, jargon, abbreviations or other bits we're unlikely to understand. We're pleased to assist you, but doing so will be somewhat tricky if we don't know what you're asking.

If we reply to you and you reply to our reply — a phenomenon referred to as a "message thread" — please quote all the previous messages in the thread. We respond to hundreds of messages per day, and this is the only way we'll be able to keep track of what's been said. If you don't quote your message thread, it never happened.

We are only able to respond to messages written in English.

Our mail server will not accept unauthorized attachments in excess of 100 kilobytes. If you'd like to e-mail us a file with which you have encountered difficulties, or a large screen capture illustrating something pertinent to your message, please get in touch with us first.

Alchemy Mindworks will not condone the use of its e-mail resources for the distribution of spam and other unsolicited advertising.

If you have encountered a problem with our software, an order placed with us or something to do with our web pages or servers, be assured that it wasn't meant personally and we'd like to resolve it without flames, bloodshed or limited nuclear warfare. Contacting us in a polite, reasonable manner will get your problem addressed promptly.

We're extremely serious about privacy — please see our privacy statement for more about this. All communications through this page are deemed to be governed by this document — by sending us e-mail, you agree to be bound by its terms.